Possibility Of Stricter Drug Laws in Amsterdam


Last week I spoke about Amsterdam being the legal place for all things illegal in the United States…but what if that were to change? Would Amsterdam still have such a high tourist rate? Would YOU still want to go to Amsterdam?

Amsterdam’s drug and prostitution laws are incredibly laid back – obviously. Cannabis (weed) coffee shops line the streets of the city and each person is allowed a maximum of five grams in their order. You’re not allowed to walk in and order weed because the sale and advertisement of the drug is frowned upon, but they have “marijuana menus” containing a selection of all their drugged foods and you just order from that.

amsterdam coffee shop

The weed in Amsterdam is said to be stronger than American or British weed, so the recommendation is to not order the strongest items on the marijuana menu because you could end up incredibly sick.

But there’s been talk – as there has for a while – about Amsterdam being unhappy with their reputation as a drug and prostitute inspired city where everyone goes only to live out their vices. Some of the talk includes possible changes in litigation.

Currently, you have to be at least 18 years old to participate in the Amsterdam drug scene, but if Holland were to follow through with theirĀ  potential plans, only people 18 and up, and with a Holland passport will be allowed to take part in the activities illegal for foreigners.

holland passport

Personally, I’m not sure if Holland will actually change their laws for economic reasons. What I mean is, people go to Amsterdam for hardly anything other than their culture and lifestyle – and the fact that they can participate in it without getting in trouble. If they change that, their appeal to tourism would undoubtedly go down. Sure, there’s the Heineken factory, which is supposed to be a great time, but I doubt you’re going to fly halfway around the world to see how Heineys are made.

This is just some food for thought, and we want to know your opinion: do you think they’ll change the laws and if they do, would YOU still go to Amsterdam?

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