Zodiac signs

I feel as though my life was turned upside down tonight. As I was waitressing at my restaurant, I heard a rumor that the world had allegedly shifted…Planets were no longer aligned, causing a change in our Astrology Signs. While your initial thought may be, “Who the fudge cares?” The answer is, you should care. I have spent my whole life as a Sagittarius. No matter how hard I tried to not be like every other girl (yes, admit it, it’s mainly girls who care about this stuff), I enjoyed being a Sagittarius. My personality fit the general Sag personality PERFECTLY. I am terrified of commitment, very restless, seeks adventure, and is somewhat stubborn. So why the fudge am I now another sign? A list of the updated signs is after the jump.

zodiac tattoos

So how many of you got a tattoo of your Zodiac sign because it just “summed up who you are as a person?” Ha ha ha. I know it’s mean to say it, but that frickin sucks if your sign was changed overnight. To be honest, I am really irrationally angry that I am now on the cusp of being a Libra and a Scorpio. How can my supposed Zodiac personality change during the course of just a few hours? And what the fudge is this Ophiuchus bullstuff? Basically, I’m pissed, and I’m sure you all are, too. Especially to those of you who now need to invest in tattoo removal.

Capricorn: Jan. 20-Feb. 16. 
Feb. 16-March 11. 
March 11-April 18. 
April 18-May 13. 
May 13-June 21. 
June 21-July 20. 
July 20-Aug. 10. 
Aug. 10-Sept. 16.
Virgo: Sept. 16-Oct. 30. 
Oct. 30-Nov. 23.
Scorpio: Nov. 23-29. 
Nov. 29-Dec. 17.
Sagittarius: Dec. 17-Jan. 20.

Pray you’re still the same sign, or else expect to become a different person within just a few short hours.

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