5 Ways to Support a Loved One Who’s Recovering from Addiction

Going through drug and substance abuse disorder can be challenging. It’s even tougher to watch as those closest to you suffer from addiction. Sometimes, it’s challenging finding the right way to help or the right words to say to a recovering addict. However, being supportive can boost their chances for a successful recovery. A 2016 national survey showed that 10% of Americans aged over 12 indulged in illegal drugs in the past month, while 6.66% had drunk heavily over the month. Sadly, with the current rise of heroin and prescription pill abuse, it’s doubtful that things will get better any time soon.

However, always remember when a loved one or friend struggles with addiction, there’ll always be challenges along the way. Some situations will be dark a night, while others will present ultimatums that will be tough to uphold. Everyone’s recovery is different, and some patients may need a lot of patience. Still, please don’t give up on them. You never know; you could be the only thing holding them together as they work to get their life back on track. So how can you support a loved one who’s recovering from addiction?

Familiarize Yourself with the Basics of Recovery and Treatment

Being informed and knowledgeable about what your loved one is going through is one of the best ways to help them. Do your homework thoroughly, know what to expect at each stage of the recovery process, and offer guidance and support accordingly.

Let them know That You Want to Help

The majority of those struggling with addiction find it extremely difficult to seek help even when they know they need it. It’s mostly due to embarrassment and fear of rejection. Letting the patient know upfront that you are willing to help if they’ll accept your offer can go a long way.

Concentrate More on the Person than on Their Addiction

Addiction changes a person completely. They are usually no longer interested in things that they used to enjoy. The habit consumes a person’s mind and throws their life entirely off-balance. Keep encouraging them to try new hobbies and remaining true to their persona.

Brace-Up for Recovery Support Is a Lifetime Process

Addiction patients don’t recover overnight, and the journey is full of highs and lows. Remember that change is gradual and may have ups and downs. A study conducted over several years of people struggling with addiction showed that most recovering alcohol and substance abuse patients who had been in treatment for less than one year struggled to maintain their sobriety. The statistics show that majority of patients will relapse at some point during their recovery process. Be supportive, let them know that relapsing does not indicate failure and encourage them to forge ahead.

Be Honest at All Times

Honesty is a critical part of the recovery process and especially for patients with co-occurring conditions. However, it’s essential to be sensitive about it. After all, we don’t want to escalate the situation. While at it, let the patient know that you’ll continue being supportive even when things take a turn for the worse.

Know When to Seek Professional Help for a Loved One Struggling with Addiction

While the road to recovery is a long one, it’s certainly not a competition. Never give up on your loved one, no matter what happens. It’s important to know when the patient may need more professional help with their addiction. If you are concerned about a loved one who’s struggling with alcohol and substance abuse disorder, Gallus Medical Detox Centers may be able to help. Drug rehab programs in Delray Beach has helped thousands of patients struggling with destructive drug dependency habits so they can live happy and productive lives.

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