By: Jessica Sorentino (University of Delaware)

If “you are not an old lady on gardening or a baby on the beach, put some real shoes on because you’re embarrassing yourself. “

-Brewster, Fired Up!

It’s nothing new that people will push fashion by the wayside in order to be comfortable. Especially walking around a college campus all day in all kinds of weather, it is definitely understandable that students’ feet get tired, sweaty, sore and all they want is a pair of comfy shoes. But at the young ages of college students, we should not be throwing away all sense of style just to walk around campus.

Let me get straight to the point: Crocs are not an acceptable form of footwear no matter how much standing or walking any given individual must do. I’m sorry. The fact that they come in adult sizes and thatadults pay $34.99 for them in colors like bright green, orange and tan is a problem. They do not go with any clothing — no matter what you’re dressed for — and by wearing them to walk around everywhere, you’re going to get some funky tan lines, or tan circles if you want to be more specific.

I’m not saying to wear Sperry’s and heels to class every day because God knows you’ll be uncomfortable, miserable and stared at, but flip flops, flats, soccer slides and sneakers are always normal options that people were fine walking around nicely landscaped campuses in before the invention of the Croc. Think about it. I know you’ll come up with the same conclusion and Brewster and I have. The Crocs have got to go.

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