Drunk Girl Attempts To Ride Mechanical Bull, Fails Hilariously (Video)


Ever ride a Mechanical Bull? It’s a lot more difficult than it looks on Bravo at 3:00 in the morning. Plus, when you are dude the novelty of making it look like your humping the bull just isn’t there. They just throw you off as quick as possible so they can get another hottie in a pencil skirt up there to entertain the crowd. Nothing better than watching a drunk chick get tossed around by her crotch, that is, if she’s cognitive enough to actually mount the thing.

If it’s illegal to give a drunk person a tattoo, it shouldn’t be any more acceptable to let someone who can’t even get on top of a bull ride it. Not in wherever this was filmed. This girl’s blinding sequined dress is about 2-inches too short for life, let alone this kind of activity. Add to that the fact that she is as drunk as an Irish dude at a funeral and you have a recipe for disaster, all captured on some on-looker’s phone. Probably her boyfriend/the guy who sold her a Droid in the mall. Enjoy.

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