For most college freshmen and sophomores, the first two years of college are a time to relax, unwind, and get down. During these two years at school, more often than not, people tend to do the friends-with-benefits, drunk hook-up, and fling things, more than serious relationships. But at the end of sophomore year and into junior year you may find yourself wanting something a little more serious, or you may find yourself at the point where the guy/girl is telling you they want more. What should you do? Should you abandon the single lifestyle and wife-up? Or should you stay single and keep mingling?

Here are five reasons why you should get into a relationship and stay there.

More than a Cuddle Buddy

You don’t just have someone to watch movies with, you have someone that wants to wake up next to you, and is more than happy to snuggle up to you anytime. You can throw your arms around that special someone at any point when you feel like having them close and there they are. It’s a great feeling to know you have someone who loves you.

Adventure Buddy

Whenever you feel like getting in the car and just driving somewhere, you have a companion who wants to go on adventure with you, whether it’s the beach, another city, a picnic, or a park. Sometimes it’s nice to do things by yourself, but when you have a significant other even the most mundane tasks will be fun. So whether it’s a trip to the bowling alley or a road trip for an away football game, you’ll have someone there to sing along to the radio with you.

Best Friend

You will meet a lot of people in college, some of these people will pretend to be your friends, others will actually be close friends, and some will be acquaintances, but a boyfriend/girlfriend is your best friend. They are the people you trust completely and talk to, the person you can turn to when the whole world seems to be crashing down, the person that will listen to you when you babble, the person that helps you cook, the person that massages you when your shoulders are sore, the person who is your everything. Chances are you like spending time together more than time apart so don’t be hesitant to look clingy…they want to hang out, too.

Honesty/True Self

Let’s be honest. Most of us are quirky and we have things that we hide about ourselves from most people. When we’re in a relationship and we are comfortable enough we can just be ourselves and show our weirdness to our partner. If our partners truly love us, they will accept the oddities and go with it. Having someone you can be truly vulnerable with is scary at first, but comforting and relaxing once you get used to it.


When you’re in a relationship, you have a built in support system for whatever you do. Whether it’s in your classes and you’re giving a speech, or you play a sport, you will have someone to come over and cheer you on. This can be a huge asset when often times we can feel so alone throughout our college careers, especially if we are out of state. Knowing that there is someone to always have your back is one of the most comforting feelings.

Relationships can be wonderful, but just like anything else they are a lot of work. So to have all of the five aforementioned categories, remember to treat your boyfriend/girlfriend with respect and remember to listen to them. Stay tuned for Friday when five reasons to be single comes out!

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