GOOGLED! Top Ten Wildest Google Maps Moments

How does that old saying go… a picture is worth a thousand words?  Well, when you have access to as many satellite images as Google Maps does, then you are bound to come across some hilarious and downright offensive photos.  The cameras are always rolling so I am not going to even try to pass off this top ten list as the definitive rundown of Google Maps mayhem.  Just click the “read more” button and set your monitor and eyes to “crazy,” because here comes some wackiness from the good folks at Google.

10. Google “Flash” Media

9. House “Fire”fox

8. Should’ve Stuck with Training Wheels

7. Flawless Victory

6. When You Gotta Go…

5. The Hunter from Bambi was Google all along!

4. Sometimes, well, you eat the curb…
3. Let’s try this again
2. No, this isn’t a scene from Role Models
1. Brace yourself fool!
Do you have any Google Maps images that you think deserve some pub on The Campus Socialite?  Hit us up in the comments section now.

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