Helpful Hints For Beginning Relationships Through Text Messages

It’s no secret that the days of beginning a relationship with a potential significant other are no longer limited to a phone call.  Texting is one of the number one ways that relationships are being established these days.  If we think about it, text messaging is a very simple action, however when it comes to interacting with a girl that I have the “hots” for, I find it strenuous to interact and I miss out on my chance to connect with her. Let’s put it out there – here are a couple of things that we have trouble with when it comes to shooting text messages to the girl we are constantly thinking about:

1. Timing – You get a girls number and are not sure when it’s a good time to text her back.  Here is when your stoner mind will totally forget to text her and before your know it, it’s a week later and you blew your chance.

2. What to Say – We use the word cheesy a lot on The Campus Socialite, because simply put – guys can be cheesy and you know what? When it comes to texting there are some fine lines you can cross where it is okay to be cheesy.

To clarify things, take some advice from some of the experts over at TSB Magazine.  If your text messaging game is off then just be honest with yourself and learn some help tips.  Something that we always live by and all Campus Socialite’s should live by as well, is that there are always smarter people out there than you, regardless of whether you want think it or not.  We’re men and we all act as if we have the biggest willy out there.

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