How To Cope With The Challenges Of Online Classes

When the current health situation struck the globe, various industries have been critically hit. Undoubtedly, the current health situation is one of the lowest points of people’s lives. Both individuals and organizations have limited operations, restricting them from accomplishing their usual daily activities. In terms of these affected industries, the educational sector was forced to interrupt student learning and practice, but, fortunately, it won’t last for too long.

Like many other sectors of society, educational institutions need to adapt to the digital world. While educators and students have been using online platforms long before, the current situation is a bigger challenge for effective learning. Shifting to online classes means that every school activity is only conducted online, either synchronous or asynchronous learning.

In online classes, students have to stay at their homes and use their devices, instead of physically going to school. With this setup, students are required to face their computer screens every day and learn their lessons there. This new educational arrangement has garnered both merits and complaints from educators, students, and parents.

The Pros and Cons Of Online Classes

The shift to online education has a fair share of its advantages and disadvantages. Also, the number one affected in this situation, students, have divided opinions.

The main reason why some individuals prefer this option is that it offers flexibility to the students to take their studies at the comfort of their own home. However, synchronous classes require them to follow a certain schedule to attend their classes.

Moreover, staying at home helps curb the spread of the current health situation as there are fewer interactions with other people. Students can also save money from food and transportation that they usually spend from their allowance during traditional classes.

There are many disadvantages to this kind of education, and it’s important to look out for them. One downside is that students may not see the instructor face to face, which is a disadvantage if you’re looking forward to practical learning. But not everyone is ready for this kind of setup, particularly those students who tend to be focus deficit, have issues with technology, lack of social interaction, or those who simply want to learn through the conventional way.

In short, online learning isn’t for everyone. To remedy, or at least cope up with these challenges, students should be aware of how they can make their lives easier and lighter during online classes. If you’re one of these students, click here for some online learning tips.

Because of the uncertainties that students can encounter with the online learning setup, here are some ways on how you can address your education and, hopefully, be able to adapt it in your own definition of online learning success:

Gathering Online Learning Essentials

Conventionally, students shop for their school essentials before another academic year starts. While it can still be the same today, some items that you’re required to shop for going to be expensive. In order to properly attend your synchronous classes, you’ll need several electronic devices to sustain your learning, such as the following:

  • A good-performing device, like smartphones, but ideally a laptop or desktop computer
  • Reliable internet connection.
  • Necessary software and applications that supplement online learning.
  • A nice pair of earphones, preferably with a microphone, and a webcam.
  • Traditional school supplies, including papers, notebooks, pens, and the like.

Before stepping into your first days of online schooling, having and utilizing these items can significantly help your learning experience. Unfortunately, many students who still don’t have the necessary devices, such as a laptop or desktop computer, might fall behind classes when using their smartphones.

A great tip for students with a limited budget in purchasing a reliable computer is to invest in a desktop computer rather than a laptop. Laptops are much more expensive with respect to the specs that can facilitate online learning. If you’re looking for something temporary to use during online classes, desktop computers are relatively cheaper and easy to build.

Securing Reliable Technical Use

In many situations, technical difficulties are inevitable, and the continuous online environment isn’t an exception. During your online classes, you might encounter some connectivity issues on your end, which is a big inconvenience in catching up with your lessons. If you have extra budget to spare, you can prepare a back-up internet connection for your devices, such as purchasing a pocket Wi-Fi.

Since many students can’t afford to have various internet sources, always make sure to let your teacher or professor know that you’ve been experiencing connectivity issues. Definitely, your instructors will understand your situation, although there are a few that still won’t, but at least you’ve done your part.

Aside from internet problems, you might also encounter technical difficulties with your device, such as occasional malfunctioning of the device, or your lack of knowledge on how to use a specific software. Allowing yourself to learn can be your greatest weapon.

Avoiding Distractions

For those who want to minimize distractions while they’re learning, another online learning tip is to find your designated workspace where you can study. This workspace should have plenty of open desk space, comfortable seating, and a clear view of your computer screen. You don’t need to have an extremely large space nor spend lavishly when arranging your study space. As long as it’s comfortable, well-ventilated, well-lit, and quiet, you can do your online classes there.

Additionally, studying from home means that you’re surrounded by family members, particularly those students with younger siblings and working parents. In this case, looking after the house and taking care of their siblings are another set of responsibilities they need to attend to.

If you don’t have your own room to serve as your study space, try to find a quiet place inside your home, set up your online essentials, and let your family members know that you’ll be using the place. You can also opt to customize your learning space if this can give you a motivational boost.

Planning An Effective Time Management

Along with distractions, effectively and efficiently managing time can be a challenge for some students. As a student, there are many different aspects to consider when managing your time, including studying, homework, exams, part-time work, and more. This can all be difficult, especially if you’re new to the concept of time management in an online setup. However, the more that you’re able to effectively manage your time, the more effective your study will become.

Time management during online classes starts with a strong understanding of what your priorities and goals are at the moment. This will make it easier to create a schedule that works best for your life and career goals. You should also make sure that you set realistic expectations for yourself and stick to those goals. Once you have a clear idea of how you’ll spend each class, it’ll be much easier to manage your time as you progress through your studies.

An effective strategy is to make a daily schedule and stick to it. Here are some planning tips to keep in mind:

  • Allocate more time than you need for every activity.
  • Prioritize fixed activities, such as class discussions, quizzes, and the like.
  • Include time where you can plan your responsibilities for every week.
  • Align your schedule with your course curriculum and syllabus.
  • Don’t forget to plan your non-productive, leisure activities.

Taking Good Care of One’s Self

Amidst online learning, you should never forget why you’re here in the first place–because of the current health situation. Because of the new digital setup, many students are spending more time studying as it’s less effective to absorb knowledge than a face-to-face arrangement. As a result, these students can sometimes forget to take care of themselves since they’re sleeping and eating late and experiencing stress.

To live a healthy lifestyle during the current health situation, you must first start with your eating habits. Avoid unhealthy fats and opt for fruits and vegetables that are rich in nutrients, such as vitamin C, fiber, potassium, magnesium, and iron. You can also have a low-fat, low-calorie lunch and dinner.

When ordering food outside, look for a restaurant with a healthier menu. A healthy lunch may consist of a salad, either homemade or prepared at home, along with lean proteins, such as chicken, turkey, or fish. For dessert, opt for healthy ones made with fruit and other healthy alternatives.

Make healthy meals for yourself every day. Snack on something healthy like fresh fruit, nuts, and vegetables during snack breaks. If you don’t meet specific nutrient requirements, adding supplements into your routine may also help.

Staying In Touch With People In Your School

Last but not least, take a good look at your mental and social health. How are they currently doing? The lack of face-to-face interaction is extremely difficult as it can make you feel that you’re alone and have no one to rely on during online classes. However, checking out and keeping in touch with your friends and instructors allows you to feel better and motivated to learn.

If you’re the type of person who’s used to hanging out with your friends before the current health situation, you can take advantage of technology to stay in touch with them. For instance, you can schedule group video calls with your friends while studying or making assignments to help one another with difficult topics. Also, for a less stressful studying, directly reaching out to your professors for any clarifications and questions is an additional help.

Bottom Line

The sudden shift from traditional to online learning created worries, anxiety, and uncertainties about a student’s future. However, to prevent learning loss during the current health situation, moving forward is the only logical choice that educational institutions see.

Hopefully, with the help of these tips, you can lessen the burden and worries of online classes, and accept this as a challenge that you’re bound to overcome in life.

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