Learn how to build your very own beer bong! Why settle for a bland beer bong from some souvenir shop or from somewhere online when you can make your own kick ass one. Nothing is as special as taking chugs out of your very own beer bong. Once you have learned the basic skills in this article, in time you’ll be able to create even better beer bongs for all your college party needs.

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talisman active speakers

With the Electro revolution in full swing, and music as a lifestyle choice making the first serious comeback since the early 90’s, even the way you get your sound is expressive of who you are and what you represent. If you want to represent a dude who wouldn’t know bass if Skrillex lived in his basement, stick with what you have. If you want to represent a dude who knows his stuff, and could probably impregnate a girl with Ivy League babies from the other side of a football field, check out Serene Audio’s Talisman Active. Seriously.

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Let’s be honest with each other here. You could be the biggest, ballinest dude on campus, but from time to time, you’re still going to have to take care of yourself. The question is, and will always be, how does one get their stuff done while they’re living in the dorms? These two asian dudes must have been struggling so hard that they even decided to write a song about it. Speaking for all who have had experience in this topic, it’s pretty damn funny.

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