The problem with alcohol education programs in elementary schools isn’t that they don’t promote enough awareness of the dangers of getting stufffaced. It’s that they only raise awareness of the severest things that could happen, like a DUI, or a cooked liver, or a DUI with a dead supermodel involved. Our Friends over at The Smoking Jacket explain all.

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hot girls funnel

This Friday Buzzworthy is going to be a little different, but epic none the less. All you need in life is a good tasting, considerable amount of alcohol laced liquid and a container for it, but it never hurts to add some awesome gadgetry. Especially one of the 5 awesome, alcohol-related trinkets i’m about to show you. Some of them are practical, and some of them aren’t but all of them will make you look like a boss.

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the hangover movie

We all have our basic hangover cures. The usual Gatorade, eggs and bacon, sleeping until 2:00, more beer. Everything kinda works but never well enough, but I have 5 cures you wouldn’t think of that just might do the trick. This stuff might not be sold at the corner store a block away from the frat house, but if you’re willing to embark, these are tried and true methods that will leave you ready to face the day.

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