We understand that the last 24 hours have been very stressful for everyone. Facebook looks completely different, there’s new windows, there’s new colors and nobody knows what to do with themselves. Take our word though, this is not a time for uproar and hatred. I just sat through the entire Mark Zuckerberg conference, and the only verdict to make is that Facebook is doing some really, really amazing things. Overwhelmed? Allow us to explain everything.

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We all know Mark Zuckerberg is a frickin boss, but he’s been boss material even before Facebook became the world’s largest social network. The Huffington Post published a 2005 interview of Zuckerberg in his college-like Palo Alto office. Facebook, just 15 months old, had its three millionth users, and it was cause for a celebration as the founders commemorated the achievement with a keg of Heineken. Sounds like the Campus Socialite Media team.

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