The Campus Socialite Site Renovations

I HOPE some of you noticed that during the past few days, The Campus Socialite has been out of commission.  We have been working vigorously over the past weeks to launch a new, re-branded version of The Campus Socialite.  It was supposed to be implemented over this past weekend but, much to my chagrin, we found many uncovered issues in regards to the database, server, and a bunch of other technical mumbo-jumbo that I  am personally sick of discussing.  So we have re-loaded our old site for the time being: the version you all have come to know and love (or at least like).  I have been told from our developers that the new version will be released in the next few days.  In the meantime, I have included some screen shots of the new and improved, bad ass version of The Campus Socialite (after the jump).  I apologize for these delays but I promise you that when all these issues are sorted out, you will see The Campus Socialite take things to the next level!

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