The Cheapest (and most expensive) Cities for Student Rent

Being a student often requires you to move to a different city. Particularly if you live in a remote area, there’s no way you have a university two streets away from you. Besides, if you want to pursue a career in a specific domain, the university you need to attend might be in a different city anyways.

When moving to another city, you will obviously need a place to stay. Rent prices vary from one place to another, and it’s always best to know the rates in advance to make a plan before classes begin. So what are the cheapest cities for student rent? How about the most expensive ones? Let’s find out.

What Are the Cheapest Cities for Student Rent?

Most students want to opt for cheap accommodation, particularly if their financial condition is not the best. Rent can be pretty expensive if you don’t get a good deal, so it’s always important to know where to look based on where you want to study.

Although there are many pricey options out there, you certainly have some cheap alternatives. Auburn is probably one of the top cities when it comes to cheap student rent. The average weekly rental price is $96. Auburn, located in Alabama, is considered one of the best places to live, and here, people can attend the Auburn University.

Athens is another popular option thanks to the $104 weekly price for rent. The University of Georgia is located in this city, as well as the Emmanuel College and Athens Technical College. Tallahassee also has very cheap rent, with the price being around $106 per week. This city has multiple universities that students can attend, such as the Florida State University and the Florida A&M University.

Other cheap options are Norman ($112 per week), Gainesville ($114 per week), Bloomington ($118 per week), and Columbia ($121 per week).

What Are the Most Expensive Cities?

There are also some cities that are very expensive in terms of rent, so you may want to avoid them or at least plan properly in advance. After all, the last thing you want is to miss your rent payments and make the owner look for legal representation for landowners and creditors to seek justice.

The most expensive city is, unsurprisingly, New York. The average weekly rent is $431. The New York University, Fordham University, Columbia University, and Yeshiva University can be found in the city, and many people may be tempted to apply to one of them because they are quite popular.

Other very expensive cities are Boston ($403 per week), Washington ($329 per week), La Jolla ($298 per week), and Los Angeles ($263 per week).

Final Thoughts

Some cities are very expensive, and you will be overwhelmed as time goes by if you’re struggling financially. Remember that besides rent, there are other expenses you must take care of. Luckily, there are also some cheap options, so not all students have to pay atrocious sums to graduate from a university. We hope that our list was helpful and that you managed to find the right option for you.

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