By: Lauren Cohen, The Campus Movie Guru (University of Miami)

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If there’s one site that you literally can’t go a day without using, what is it? As much as I’d love for you to say “The Campus Socialite”, we all know the answer: Facebook. The reason most of you are even reading this in the first place is because you saw it on Facebook. Like the site that inspired the movie, The Social Network might just be that movie that defines our generation.

And not because it’s about Facebook…but because it goes in depth into the world which we now take as the “norm”; A world where people vent and get out their frustrations on their blog, stalk their friends and crushes online (you know you do it), download free music, and say “Facebook me!” instead of just exchanging phone numbers. But as much as we take Facebook for granted, it didn’t always exist. Thats where The Social Network comes in. The film is about the creator of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, and all the lawsuits and controversies that came with making the site what it is today: the ultimate social networking tool. As fascinating as it was to get a glimpse into the drama most of us never knew existed (arguments about what’s true and what’s not aside), at its core, The Social Network is so much more than just “The Facebook Movie”. It’s about ambition, greed, and the need to be noticed: timeless themes that find their perfect host in the story of the creation of Facebook.

The film opens up with a scene of Mark and his girlfriend Erica (Rooney Mara) getting into an argument at a bar which causes her to break up with him. The zippy, witty dialogue came on as soon as the first shot hit the screen, making the characters and storyline instantly gripping. Eisenberg played Mark Zuckerberg with a funny, assholish, and, in true Eisenberg fashion, awkward quality that combined together was exactly what the role called for. Zuckerberg isn’t portrayed in the most flattering of lights, yet Eisenberg brings some relatability to the role, which keeps the viewers from turning on him. The supporting cast was all top notch as well, which includes Andrew Garfield as co-founder/CFO Eduardo Saverin and Justin Timberlake as Napster creator (remember Napster?!) Sean Parker.

Like any situation of this nature, there is more than one side to the story. Instead of flat out making Zuckerberg the protagonist (although he is the main character), director David Fincher (Fight Club, Seven) does a remarkable job dragging us into each individual party’s point of view, leaving it to the viewer to decide for themselves who was right and who was wrong. There’s one choice he doesn’t leave us with though: the choice to not see it again. Because once the films over, you’ll be anxious to view the film for the second time around to really make up your mind.

Rating: A

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