Ecto Cooler, Pogs, and Big Bad Beetleborgs


Prepare for nostalgia overload, socialites. Today’s Throwback Thursday is gonna get deep into your subconscious and force your inner child to come out and play. If you don’t remember any of the cool crap in the title, don’t worry – you will soon.


Ecto Cooler

Busting out them big guns right out of the gate. Back in the day, Kool Aid and Ghostbusters (the cartoon, not the movie) joined forces to bring you a weird new kind of sugary punch. It was actually just tangerine flavored, but they slapped Slimer on the package, and called it Ecto Cooler. Brilliant.



Pogs were the stuff for all of about 2 weeks, but boy were those 14 days fun. I remember going to a store that was a disaster of pogs and pog accessories: all different sizes of pog cases (tubes?), metal slammers, plastic slammers, pogs with razor sharp edges and weird shapes, you name it they had it. I still have all my pogs and slammers, including a sweet one with a scorpion frozen inside of it…yes, I know, I’m the man.


Big Bad Beetleborgs

Back in my sophomore year, I reminisced with my roommate about all these weird shows that attempted to capitalize on the popularity of Power Rangers: VR Troopers, Super Human Samurai, and this gem, Big Bad Beetleborgs. At the time I was like “WTF are Big Bad Beetleborgs?” Then my roomie showed me this video, and I instantly remembered the theme music…still have no idea what the show was about though…looks kinda retarded if you ask me.

EDIT: That same roommate just reminded me that the weird clown guy is a dead ringer for Jay Leno. Try to tell me otherwise.

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