How to Drink All Day…and Still Survive the Night

It’s game day. Frat boys wake up at the crack of dawn and throw back a few Keystone Lights. Sorority girls wake up at about 11 AM, get ready, and take a few (half) shots with their sisters. Both meet down at the stadium parking lot with the rest of the school and continue to drink excessive amounts of alcohol. Of course the party has to stop when the game starts: Unfortunately, the cops will not allow open containers of alcohol and belligerent students on school property.  It sucks, but it’s kind of the law.  What are drunk college kids to do? Head to the local sports bar and continue drinking of course! It’s a great place to see the whole campus and find potential hookups for later in the night. Now its 6 PM and everyone is beyond drunk, but what does that mean for going out at night and finding the hookup you already made plans with? Probably not happening. How is it possible to recover from a daydrink hangover and still have a good night? Well, there are a few steps to ensure a speedy recovery so you can still go out and have a good night.

1) Drink water.  The reason for the massive hangover is that alcohol dehydrates the body. Drink at least one bottle of water, maybe two! It’s common sense, so just do it.  Your body will thank you and you will not have a killer headache.

2) Take a shower. Alcohol is a depressant and causes people to fall asleep. Why do many Americans take a shower first thing in the morning? It helps wake them up! Taking a shower will jolt the body and help it wake up much faster.  Girls usually are not a fan of this because it takes so much time to redo their hair.  A simple way to fix this problem is not to wash your hair.  Invest in a shower cap and throw it on before the shower.  As a result, your hair will only need to be fixed instead of completely redone.

3) Eat something greasy. Alcohol just chills in the stomach.  Every alcohol safety education program since DARE says food does not absorb alcohol and will not lead to sobriety.  Well, that is kind of a myth. A cheeseburger and  fries will not instantly erase 6 shots and a few beers, but greasy food will help absorb the residual alcohol in your stomach after day drinking.

Daydrinking is one of the best parts of college because it’s just not socially acceptable for a postgrad to pound a few shots at 7 AM. It’s only okay in college, so make the most of it.  However, do not let it ruin your night.  Take the necessary precautions to ensure a fun night.  You only live once and college is only for four years, so try to make the most of it while you still can.

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