Crispy M&Ms, Gizmos & Gadgets, and Darkwing Duck


If you don’t like all three things from this week Throwback Thursday, then you don’t deserve to be called a true Campus Socialite. I think the title is self-explanatory, so let’s get into it. Gun it to 88 MPH, we’re gonna take this bitch back in time.


Crispy M&M’s


I assure you, this is a throwback. No one really knows what ever happened to Crispy M&Ms, but after some light investigation I discovered that it might have something to do with copyright infringement on Nestle’s Crunch bar. Apparently you can still get them in other countries, but they’ve since been replaced in the US (which are better, anyway).


Gizmos & Gadgets


For a long time I was blanking on the name of this amazingly old school video game. Used to play this stuff in the public library all the time. That’s back when you had to schedule time to use a computer…things have changed much since the 90’s, but Gizmos & Gadgets is still badass.


Darkwing Duck


You know this had to happen eventually. Disney’s best show ever finally finds its way to Throwback Thursday. Because a duck parodying Batman just seems to make sense. Best part: Darkwing’s alter-ego – Drake Mallard – which if you couldn’t figure out yourself, is two types of ducks. Awesome.

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