Things Girls Want Their Boyfriends To Do…Until They Do Them

By: Paige Vigil (University of Minnesota)

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Women are never satisfied. I really have to say I am impressed with the patience of (most) men when it comes to our gender. While I am currently skipping down Single Street, I have been in my share of previous relationships in the past. I have got to admit, there have always been a few things I have wished my boyfriend would do in front of me…until he has actually done them. I have always thought that if he did these things it would express a certain level of comfort within the relationship. While he may have felt more comfort in the end, I’ve always felt more uncomfortable.

I have always wanted my boyfriend to…

1. Talk About His Feelings More… This is a double edged sword. Of course, I don’t want the silent treatment, but asking a man to express his feelings can also open a whole can of worms. I don’t need to know how you felt when you scanned a confirmation at work – everything in moderation guys.

2. Cry In Front Of Me… I thought this would show a certain level of vulnerability in a man that is endearing, not gagging – turns out it is the latter of the two. Seeing a man break down in tears is somewhat like seeing a giraffe in the middle of Times Square – misplaced. It depletes his masculinity. Men – wait awhile before turning on the water works in front of your woman.

3. Burp… Why I would ever wish for this seems crazy to me now. I think I thought that if my boyfriend burped in front of me, he felt comfortable enough to do anything in front of me. I guess I was right because after the burping comes the farting and then the shadoobies (as Chelsea Handler would say.) Turns out, I don’t want him to be that comfortable.

4. Carry My Purse… This is chivalry at it’s finest…it is also a sign of a complete push over. Now your boyfriend looks like Alan from The Hangover…not so sexy anymore, is it? I want a man who is my equal, not my bitch.

5. Cook FOR Me… This is an undeniably adorable gesture, but one I just don’t want. We can cook together and I can cook for you, but please…don’t cook for me, especially if you’re good. It will only remind me of my inferior cooking skills and make you look like Mr. Mom. The picture of Mr. Mom doesn’t exactly fit the one in my head of my ideal prince charming, so let’s leave the cooking out of it, thanks.

Any grand gesture made by a man is typically appreciated…yet the ones above should generally be avoided. Keep your balls in tact men.

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