Getting Fired from a College Job – What to Do?

Getting fired from a college job can be devastating, especially if it was your very first job. You begin to worry about every single aspect of your life, including how you’ll make ends meet from now on and how this will affect your future. But whether you expected to be fired or not, you must know how to proceed following the event.

man holding white ceramic teacup

Sometimes, you may be tempted to go off on your former employer and blame them for everything. However, this may be a mistake. There are several other steps that you can take to make sure things get better moving forward, and we’ll present them below.

  • Think About Where You Went Wrong

Even if you want to think of yourself as perfect for the job and want to blame your employer for everything, chances are that you’ve also made some mistakes that led to the termination. You may not want to admit this, but in reality, taking a look at your faults can be quite helpful for the future.

Think about your time at work. Were you ever criticized for making certain mistakes? If yes, did you make efforts to fix those issues? In some cases, workers are given more than one chance to address an issue, and if they fail to fix it, they might lose their job. Perhaps you were finishing your tasks later than you should have, or perhaps you forgot to do something fundamental for your job.

Some common causes for termination include:

  • Failing drug or alcohol tests
  • Not having the right attitude
  • Using the company time wrong
  • Not adhering to the attendance policy of the company
  • Stealing

Think about where you went wrong, and you’ll be able to sort out these issues and become a better employee before your next job. You can even request feedback from your former colleagues, so you know what your weaknesses and strengths are.

  • Realize That This May Be a Good Thing

“How can getting fired be a good thing?” you may be shouting at the screen upon reading this. Now, we know that getting fired is not only embarrassing but can also make you struggle. It’s normal to have feelings of resentment if the event is still fresh. But in the end, this experience can serve as a wake-up call.

If you’ve done something wrong, then this incident will allow you to take responsibility for your mistakes and get better in the future. You’ll improve yourself before finding your next job and you’ll do better. Maybe you’ll even be able to find a better job after the termination.

  • If Possible, Keep It Off Your Resume

After the termination, you may think of updating your resume as soon as possible. This is not a bad thing, as it can help you grab the attention of potential employers. In fact, you can add information on knowledge, experience, and skills you’ve gained during your former job.

But when it comes to getting fired, you do not have to put it on your resume. The document doesn’t have to list everything that has ever happened to you – it’s simply something that shows your greatest achievements. So, don’t explain the problems that resulted in your termination.

  • Send an Appreciative Email to the Former Employer

When the firing just occurred, your emotions may prevent you from having the slightest amount of respect for your former supervisor. But the best thing you can do in this situation is to stay professional.

Consider sending your former employer an appreciative email saying that you are grateful for the opportunity they’ve provided and that you wish them the best. This will keep communication open between the two of you, which can help you obtain a new job if you need a professional reference.

  • Get a Temporary Job

If you need money to support yourself, you can consider a temporary job. This will allow you to learn new skills and earn money. And if you are not looking for a permanent job yet, then a temporary one is your best option.

Not to mention that this can also help you get exposed to potential future employers.

Final Thoughts

Even if you got fired, you should know that there are many other jobs waiting for you. For instance, since April 2022, Florida gained 363,400 jobs, with many people seeking them. Bear in mind that Florida also takes wrongful termination seriously, so if you believe you were hired for the wrong reasons, hire a Florida employment lawyer to help you navigate this situation.

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